A big bunch of bananas

The bananas were starting to turn from green to yellow.

It was time for me to wield the axe!

Cutting my first bananas off the tree

Cutting my first bananas off the tree

I chopped the big bunch of them off the tree, just before the birds made them into a feast.

Lovely bunch of bananas

Lovely bunch of bananas

Sherry joined me - eating the freshest of bananas

Sherry joined me – eating the freshest of bananas

These are the very first bananas from my garden and I was proud to share them with Sherry from Minnesota, Vince from London and Bianca from Perth as well as all the guys here.

Vince eating pisang goreng (fried banana)

Vince eating pisang goreng (fried banana)

We had raw bananas followed by ‘pisang goreng’ (fried bananas) – delicious!

The rest of the bunch are gradually ripening, giving us daily bananas for breakfast – nice and healthy.

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  1. You are absolutely right banana is one of the healthiest fruit and growing it in your backyard is really an awesome idea. You can also try making banana chips of unripened ones, use them in the best way as you can,


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